Money Matters

In September 2005 we launched a financial campaign centred on the Diocesan 'Giving in Grace' programme. The pages linked below give access to an address by our treasurer explaining the need for the campaign and its roots in our faith and commitment, as well as a selection of prayers. There is also a selection of documents explaining Gift Aid and providing forms for use in response to the campaign.

As the programme makes clear, the aim is not simply to boost church funds by asking people to put more on the plate. It is about realizing the spirit of generosity each one of us needs to have in thankfulness for the love of God made known in Jesus Christ. Our response might well be to increase our weekly giving so that the church is able to extend its mission and ministry (these things do cost). Our response might well be to increase our weekly giving so that our hall and church buildings can be insured and maintained and are therefore available for use by the wider community. Our response might well be to make an effort to be in church more often, it might be to offer some practical help to the church in terms of time and commitment. Whatever your response is, all of us are called to respond to God’s love.

Advent Address
The text of an address given at St Faith's on Advent Sunday,  2005 by David Jones, our Church Treasurer.

Some prayers to use.

Standing Order form

The following pages  will download in Adobe pdf format. Use your browser back button to return to this index page.

Planned Giving Scheme

Gift Aid explained

Gift Aid form

An earlier appeal

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