In celebration of the installation of a new organ, a special service was last evening held at St. Faith’s, Waterloo.  The instrument, part of the splendid gift of Mr. H. Douglas Horsfall, is a fine one, constructed by Messrs. J. W. Walker and Sons, of London.  It contains a great organ, CC to C (61 notes), with the following stops: - Open diapason, large scale 8ft., open diapason small scale 8ft., dulciama, wald flute principal 4ft., suabe flute 4ft., fifteenth 2ft.  The swell organ contains – Open diapason 8ft., stopped diapason 8ft., echo gamba 8ft., voix celeste 8ft., principal principal 4ft., horn 8ft., oboe 8ft., flute 8ft.  The whole of the interior construction is of the most improved and modern character, and the total cost is about £800, without the case, which has not yet been erected.

The Rev. C. C. Elcum, M.A., vicar of St. Agnes’, Sefton Park, preached the sermon; and the Rev. T. H. Baxter also officiated, Psalm 150 being sung to a special setting by Mr. I. H. Stammers, organist and choirmaster of St. Agnes’ Sefton Park, who dedicated it to Mr. George E. Lewis, organist at St. Faith’s.  The Rev. C. C. Elcum preached on the work “Selah,” which, he said, had occasioned difference of opinion.  It pointed, in the general opinion, to a climax at which human language failed.  Such should be the spirit of the service that evening.

At the close of the service Mr. I. H. Stammers played the following selections on the new organ:- Overture, “Athalia” (Handel); andante from the symphony “La Reine de France” (Haydn); sonata No. 2, Allegro Moderato Andante Finale and Fugue (Fink); Chorus of Angels (Sootson Clark); prelude and fugue in A minor (J. S. Bach); finale (Lemmens).

The Liverpool Mercury, Friday August 24 1900