Finding out about Saint Faith's

Click on any of the titles or indicated links below to be shown round our church, and read about its features of interest.

If you are thinking of visiting us, the church is open for all the services shown on the home page and updated on the link to the weekly bulletin.
Follow this link for the Parish Directory which shows how to find us and gives current detailss of clergy, office holders and organisations.

We also welcome visitors every Saturday from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm from the Saturday after Easter to the last Saturday in July or August, when the church is open, light refreshments are on sale and there is a free music recital at 12 noon. CLICK HERE for the music index page giving access to the concert schedule and other information.

of the church, with pictures and text of all St Faith's internal features.  Updated September 2008.

The Church Guidebook The text of the current edition of Saint Faith's Guidebook, History and full Parish Directory.

The Church's Healing Ministry Follow this link to read about the Healing Ministry at St Faith's and St Mary's.

The Centenary Banners Pictures and explanatory text telling the story of these banners, which were dedicated in October 2000.

Furnishings of Faith A series of articles from the booklet "Furnishings of Faith" describing the furnishings of St Faith`s church.

Stations of the Cross are a set of fine pieces of embroidery displayed in the church. This site shows these works and gives a brief history of the Stations of the Cross.

Stations of the Resurrection -  images displayed in church and used as a focus of devotion between Easter and Pentecost

The Lord Runcie Window at St Faith`s. Words and pictures of the memorial window to our church's most distinguished former member.

Sounds of Saint Faith's Listen to our choir, the congregation and our church organ.

The Clergy page contains biographical details and photographs of the current and previous incumbents. With sound - hear the voices of clergy past and present!

Friends of Saint Faith's Read about our scheme to link friends and supporters of St Faith's via this website.

What we do in Church - and why  A series of articles explaining some of the things that we do at Saint Faith's. Click here for an alternative, illustrated version of some of these pieces

Fair Trade at Saint Faith's   Information about how we are involved with the Fairtrade movement.

'The Man for the Ministry'  Bulletins from ordinand, Martin Jones, now ordained priest.


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